Best Monkey Ace Path in BTD6 (2025)

Bloons TD 6’s Monkey Ace tower is a military-class structure. However, the tower has undergone considerable alterations since its appearance in BTD4 and BTD 5 versions.

The Monkey Ace has eight darts that it fires in a circle around itself at its base. Even without Monkey Knowledge, these darts deliver 1 damage and have 5 penetration. Every 1.68s, it generates a barrage of these darts.

It is possible to change the pattern of a Monkey Ace’s flight dependent on the priority of the targets it has to fly towards. Tightly packed bombs, Anti-MOAB missiles, a rapid-fire alternating dart-and-bomb launcher, and Nukes are just some enhancements that can take advantage of its height.

The image used in this post was uploaded by Reddit user u/DontWeDoItOnTheRoad. He posted it on the r/btd6guide subreddit. If you want more photographs like the one seen above, you may join the r/btd6guide community. So, let us start our guide on the “Best Monkey Ace Path in BTD6”:

What is the Best Monkey Ace Path in BTD6?

In my opinion, the “Flying Fortress” is the best monkey ace path in BTD6. It is recommended that players use Monkey Ace Path 3 to ensure that bloons are always targeted by the Flying Fortress’ homing ability. Here are different paths of Monkey Ace discussed in detail:

1. SKY SHREDDER Monkey Ace Path

Best Monkey Ace Path in BTD6 (1)
  • Price: $34,000
  • Path: 1
  • Tier: 5

The Sky Shredder is likely the first Monkey Ace weapon that gamers will be able to use. The speed at which the Sky Shredder fires the 32 darts is two times faster than before.

Players are still at risk when it comes to bloons leaking because the Sky Shredder’s darts cover the bulk of the screen, but let me tell you how irritating it is to witness one dart skim past or not penetrate the final piece of bloon as it crosses the finish line.

For its price, the Sky Shredder has the potential to be one of the strongest ranged towers in the entire game. The sheer quantity of darts and rockets means that bloons and blimps will never be missed, even if Monkey Ace micromanages everything.

Thus, the Sky Shredder becomes a good option on terrain that offers the best possible Monkey Ace flying patterns. When used in conjunction with Alchemist bonuses from Stronger Stimulant, the Sky Shredder’s damage output can be increased by nearly half (50 percent).

To avoid being hit by a Sky Shredder, players must decide whether or not they need Camo detection to avoid being detected. While the Explosive Pineapple and Camo Detection upgrades from Path 2 will be useful, they don’t do much damage and may be gotten in many other ways.

The Sky Shredder’s ability to reach more bloons before they flee is greatly enhanced by avoiding the Path 2 cross-path requirement, while Path 3 gives players three extra pieces.


Best Monkey Ace Path in BTD6 (2)
  • Price: $25,500
  • Path: 2
  • Tier: 5

A single ability use of the Tsar Bomba can clear BFBs, MOABs, and Super Ceramics, including Fortified variations, from the battlefield during Rounds 94, 96, and 98 of the tournament. Using the ability to pop Fortified DDTs and act as an emergency button in the early late game might also wipe out Round 99 in a single use.

On the other hand, Tsar Bomba is outmatched by numerous Ground Zeroes when it comes to eradicating hyperdense rounds, save for Fortified BFBs, which two Ground Zeroes can only defeat.

Effective stalling methods are necessary to maximize the Tsar Bomba’s large-scale damage, whose primary power source is its ability. For stalling down surviving ZOMGs, Tsar Bomba’s stun is a vital tool. Aside from 2TC and 2MPC, Tsar Bomba can be effective in various situations.

For cross-pathing, players will not require a Tsar Bomba because it is only needed for its special power. However, any other upgrades are pointless, as (2/5/-) only increases how many darts are ejected from the Monkey Ace and does nothing to improve the attack speed of the Tsar Bomba, which is what players are seeking for in a cross path.

Path 3 improvements don’t have to include Sharper Darts and Centered Path, as they only boost the piercing power of the darts, which are already sharp enough without the Wingmonkey Monkey Knowledge.


Best Monkey Ace Path in BTD6 (3)
  • Price: $72,250
  • Path: 3
  • Tier: 5

Path 3 is an extremely expensive weapon that can quickly and efficiently take out a variety of bloons across a wide area. Still, its rounds frequently miss fast bloons like visible DDTs.

Bloon Sabotage and MOAB Glue can assist this tower in dealing with DDTs more effectively. For the 2-0-5 Flying Fortress cross path, additional support via Radar Scanner is recommended in addition to Jungle Drums.

Alchemist buffs don’t last long because of how quickly the tower attacks, but Permanent Brew is a superb late-game tower combo because it lasts so long because of how quickly the tower attacks.

That’s because each projectile fired by the flying fortress is influenced by the alchemist’s power per projectile boost and the alchemist buffs popping power per projectile. A super-buffed Flying Fortress generates a significant increase in DPS when used outside of True Sun God, Sun Temples, and Paragons.


Here we conclude our article. Here’s a summary of what we’ve discussed:

  • Path 1 Monkey Aces deals the greatest damage to ordinary bloons, shooting many darts in all directions, but it still poses the risk of leaking a large number of bloons.
  • For their particular ability to drop a bomb that delivers tremendous damage to all bloons, Path 2 Tsar Bomba is primarily used.
  • When combined with structures that destroy or slow down MOAB-class bloons, Flying Fortress is a fantastic weapon against DDTs. If players are confident in their abilities to earn money, they should go for a Flying Fortress.

Stay tuned for more informative articles on BTD6. That’s it from our side. Until next time!


Best Monkey Ace Path in BTD6 (2025)


Best Monkey Ace Path in BTD6? ›

1-3-0: Generally the best crosspath, seeing as the increased bomb drop speed gives quick dropping of powerful bomber ace bombs, which, when microed, can be very powerful damage. 2-3-0: Not more useful than a 1-3-0 Ace, as it doesn't affect bombs.

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1-3-0: Generally the best crosspath, seeing as the increased bomb drop speed gives quick dropping of powerful bomber ace bombs, which, when microed, can be very powerful damage. 2-3-0: Not more useful than a 1-3-0 Ace, as it doesn't affect bombs.

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2-3-0 is usually considered the far superior option over 0-3-2, due to the 2-3-0 Bank's far greater income gain per round. 0-3-2 is still a very viable option once a decent income flow begins, as the top path requires additional management compared to the benefit of automatic withdrawals from Banana Salvage.

What is the best crosspath for bomber ace? ›

When it comes to crosspathing, 1-3-0 is more effective in most cases, as it deploys bombs at a faster rate, allowing for more opportunity to apply bombs as it crosses over paths. 0-3-1 is helpful, but Bomber Ace bomb arrays have good pierce anyway.

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In addition, the Ace's bombs can now damage all bloon types, including Blacks, Zebras, and DDTs.

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1 Druid Monkey

Druid Monkey is the most incredible tower in Bloons TD 6, without a doubt. The middle path druid, starting with the tier 3 "druid of the jungle" upgrade, can grab bloons anywhere on the track and individually break them down until they are nothing while popping any bloons that touch them as they go past.

Can super monkey pop lead? ›

Description: Shoots powerful blasts of laser instead of darts. Effect: Gains +1 pierce and pops Frozen Bloons. Can no longer pop Purples, and cannot pop Leads.

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In general, Banana Farms are the most cost efficient and effective form of income farming. However, Supply Drop Snipers and especially Merchantmen can defend bloons and create income, which can massively help in allowing the player's defense to keep up with farming as Merchantmen are both the defense and the farm.

Are there any secret monkeys in btd6? ›

There are eight hidden monkeys which reveal themselves once their respective area is tapped upon. When tapped in the correct sequence, they will form a short section of the correct tune (where C4 is middle C and B4 is one semitone before higher C: E4-A3, E4-A3, E4-D4-C4, D4, D4-C4-B3, E4-E4, D4-C4-A3, B3).

Who is the best Bloons TD 6 hero? ›

The newest and best hero in the game is Corvus, the Spirit Walker. This brand-new hero has made waves since arriving on the scene, filled with a variety of different abilities that he can enact, which take mana, which he constantly gains from popped bloons.

What is the best path for farming in btd6? ›

To farm on boss rounds is an incredibly difficult task, which will likely involve at least two of the three types of farms being used. However, if players are looking for a basic answer as to which of the three paths is usually the most lucrative and useful, the answer is likely to be the top path, Banana Central.

What is the best dart monkey path? ›

The two crosspaths that matter are the 2-4-0 and the 0-4-2. 1-4-0: An extra pierce per dart is nice, but is usually recommended to get 2-4-0 for even more pierce. 2-4-0: More pierce is useful on denser rounds.

Does Monkey Ace have a paragon? ›

Goliath Doomship is the Paragon for the Monkey Ace released in Version 33.0. The Goliath Doomship was first reported officially on the June 3rd 2022 blog, mentioning Ninja Kiwi's next planned Paragons, alongside the then-unnamed Engineer Monkey Paragon (Master Builder) and Wizard Monkey Paragon (Magus Perfectus).

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