Perfect Day - Anime - AniDB (2025)


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Perfect Day - Anime - AniDB (1)
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Main TitlePerfect Day(a8432)
Official Titleja
TypeMusic Video
SeasonWinter 2010/11
Tagsdaily lifeThe antics of the protagonists do not take place in some exotic setting or time, but in everyday life. Daily Life is basically a synonym for everything normal, repetitive, and trivial happening to your average person., newNot based on anything, the story is a new work, usually made up by the people involved in creating the anime. Generally if an original work (原作) credit is given, it will be to the studio, or director, or other members of the production team. - [similar]
Rating6.43 (463)
Average6.66 (464)
Review RatingN/A (0)
Added byhidden on 2011-05-19 10:54
Edited byhidden on 2016-08-29 14:45
Main TitlePerfect Day(a8432)
Official Titleja

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Direction:Nakamura Ryousuke

Animated music video of Supercell's Perfect Day, a song from their second album.


Score/Rank by

6.43 (463)

#1682 (#62)

#5753 (#243)


#7833 (2)


Running Time

approx. 5m


634 (85.2%)

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107 (14.4%)


3 (0.4%)

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by nadeschda on 2017-09-20 20:45

A very beautiful and melancholic song and MV about memories/nostalgia.
You might watch or listen to it more than once.

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    bySwe-DivXon Sunday, 29.05.2011 19:52



    by BloodySummers
    on Wednesday, 01.04.2020 08:03


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elementsNext to Themes setting the backdrop for the protagonists in anime, there are the more detailed plot Elements that centre on character interactions: "What do characters do to each other or what is done to them?". Is it violent Action, an awe-inspiring Adventure in a foreign place, the gripping life of a Detective, a slapstick Comedy, an Ecchi Harem anime, a SciFi epic, or some Fantasy travelling adventure?

· tragedyTragedy is a form of drama characterized by seriousness and dignity, usually involving a conflict between a character and some higher power, such as the law, the gods, fate, or society.*

originno description set

· Japanese productionno description setweightless

original workWhat the anime is based on! This is given as the original work credit in the OP. Mostly of academic interest, but a useful bit of info, hinting at the possible depth of story.

· newNot based on anything, the story is a new work, usually made up by the people involved in creating the anime. Generally if an original work (原作) credit is given, it will be to the studio, or director, or other members of the production team.weightless

settingThe setting describes in what time and place an anime takes place. To a certain extent it describes what you can expect from the world in the anime.

· placeThe places the anime can take place in. Includes more specific places such as a country on Earth, as well as more general places such as a dystopia or a mirror world.

· · EarthThe Earth is the third planet from the Sun. It is a ball of hot mud, but on the surface it`s cold enough, so most of us live on it (or are supposed to). To its inhabitants, our planet is their home, so, as a species, we cherish it to the point many cultures even to this day deify it. The Earth is the main setting of most fiction, but many titles are set in other places, such as unrelated fantasy worlds, and in a considerable number of fictional titles the Earth is actually destroyed by invaders.***

· timeThis placeholder lists different epochs in human history and more vague but important timelines such as the future, the present and the past.

· · pastAnime that takes place in the past or clearly seems to take place in the past in case of an alternative universe. This category should almost always go together with one of its sub-categories, because the past can either be a depiction of a historical event(s) or not, in which case it would be alternative past.**+

· · presentSomewhere between past and future.**

themesThemes describe the very central elements important to the anime stories. They set the backdrop against which the protagonists must face their challenges. Be it School Life, present Daily Life, Military action, Cyberpunk, Law and Order detective work, Sports, or the Underworld. These are only but a few of the more typical backgrounds for anime plots. Add to that a Conspiracy setting with a possible tragic outcome, the Themes span most of the imaginable subject matter relevant to anime.

· daily lifeThe antics of the protagonists do not take place in some exotic setting or time, but in everyday life. Daily Life is basically a synonym for everything normal, repetitive, and trivial happening to your average person.**

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Direction (監督)Nakamura Ryousuke


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RelationSongin EpisodesRatingCreditStaffComment
theme songPerfect DayN/A (2)Vocals/Performed by (歌手)Supercell
Lyrics (作詞)Ryo
Music Composition (作曲)Ryo
Music Arrangement (編曲)Ryo


Today Is a Beautiful Day

Album, 13 tracks, 16.03.2011

Nagi, Supercell

Today Is a Beautiful Day

Album, 13 tracks, 16.03.2011

Nagi, Supercell

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10ja en unknownN/A (0)0
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18.02.2012Anime Veteráni [AV]complete
10ja cs DVDN/A (0)0
10ja pl DVDN/A (3)0
10ja en HDTVN/A (1)0
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Perfect Day - Anime - AniDB (2025)
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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Views: 6334

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (75 voted)

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.