Where 片腕マシンガール (2008) Was Filmed

1. Machine Girl, The | Movie Database Wiki

  • It was distributed theatrically through Spotted Productions and received limited theatrical release in Japan on August 2nd, 2008.

  • The Machine Girl (片腕マシンガール) is a Japanese feature film of the action genre. It was written and directed by Noboru Iguchi. It was presented by Fever Dreams and produced by Nikkatsu. The movie premiered in Japan at the Yubari International Fantastic Film Festival on March 22nd, 2008. It was distributed theatrically through Spotted Productions and received limited theatrical release in Japan on August 2nd, 2008. The Japanese title for this film is Kataude mashin gâru, which translates as One-armed

2. The Machine Girl 片腕マシンガール (2008) - Genkinahito

  • Dec 22, 2015 · The Machine Girl is the best splatter film I have seen. It is precision tooled action awesomeness that plays with every Japan related fetish you can name with ...

  • The Machine Girl is pure exploitation fun with much in the way of action, gore, and silly special effects. Dare I say, it is endlessly rewatchable.

3. Episode #58 – The Machine Girl (片腕マシンガール) - Japan On Film

4. The Machine Girl - Movie review - easternKicks.com

  • Dec 30, 2021 · 片腕マシンガール. Japan 2008. Directed by Noboru Iguchi. Starring Minase Yashiro, Asami, Noriko Kijima, Honoka.

  • A look back at one of the key films in the bloody wave of early 2000s Japanese splatter, THE MACHINE GIRL ★★★★★

5. 片腕マシンガール : 作品情報 - 映画.com

  • 脚本. 井口昇 ; 撮影. 長野泰隆 ; 原題または英題, The Machine Girl ; 製作年, 2008年 ; 製作国, アメリカ.

  • 片腕マシンガールの作品情報。上映スケジュール、映画レビュー、予告動画。不良グループに弟を殺された女子高生アミは復讐に乗り出すが、逆に捕らえられ拷問の末に片腕を失ってしまう。なんとか逃げ...

6. The Machine Girl | Dubbing Wikia - Fandom

  • ... 2008. Dub Country. United States. Original Country. Japan. Year. 2008. The Machine Girl (片腕マシンガール, Kataude Mashin Gāru, "One-Armed Machine Girl ...

  • The Machine Girl (片腕マシンガール, Kataude Mashin Gāru, "One-Armed Machine Girl") is a 2008 Japanese action comedy horror film written and directed by Noboru Iguchi, and starring Minase Yashiro, Asami, Kentarō Shimazu and Honoka. The plot follows an orphaned Japanese schoolgirl whose life is destroyed when her brother is killed by a son of a Ninja-Yakuza clan. When her hand is cut off, she replaces it with a makeshift machine gun and seeks revenge. Special effects were completed by Yoshihiro Nishimura,

7. オリジナルビデオ hajiraiマシンガール (2008) - allcinema

  • オリジナルビデオ hajiraiマシンガール (2008) 監督:井口昇キャスト:木嶋のりこ.

  • オリジナルビデオ hajiraiマシンガール (2008) 監督:井口昇キャスト:木嶋のりこ

8. 「片腕マシンガール」の映画 - MOVIE WALKER PRESS

  • 片腕にマシンガンを装着し、巨悪に挑む女子高生の復讐劇。 片腕マシンガール. 2008年8月2日(土)公開 、96分、アクション. 4.0. 0. 配信中. 奇抜な設定と ...

  • 片腕マシンガールの歴代映画作品の一覧。『片腕マシンガール(オリジナル英語版)』『片腕マシンガール』など2作品のあらすじ、評価、配信情報を掲載中。

Where 片腕マシンガール (2008) Was Filmed
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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

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Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.